Visuals*Infographics*Promo Material

Poster for Banned and Challenged Book display at the Fort Erie Public Library.
Printed size 11" x 34"

Example bookmarks (front/back) for banned book display. Bookmarks were made for every book included in the display.

Poster for Black History Month display at the Fort Erie Public Library.
Printed size 11" x 51"

In response to a request for reading recommendations this infographic suggests books based on the readers interests.

This infographic gives a brief description of Early Reader levels for children. I created this at the Fort Erie Public Library after recognizing that many parents did not know what level book their child would be comfortable reading.

This infographic gives an overview of how to use Literature-map, an online reader advisory tool that helps readers search for similar authors.
*Also, check out these links!
A research pitch proposing to study librarians' perception of AI use in libraries.
A collaborative policy brief making recommendations on how public libraries can better serve people with disabilities.
Content by Sarah Gillard, Anissa Lucchitti, Ryan Rivando, and Isabelle St. Pierre.
Layout by Ryan Rivando.